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Nerding Out

“I’m excited to be a part of South Carolina’s change”

College senior Adarrell Gadsden sat on-stage during the Democratic Forum in South Carolina because he’s an undecided voter. What would sway his opinion? A candidate truly interested in what’s affecting African Americans.

“I don’t get to vote, but I still have a voice”

Sara De Oliveira, Winthrop University junior on a French horn scholarship, advocates for immigration reform as she works toward one day becoming Secretary of State. “The face of immigration is millennials.”

Student "South not aggressive republicanism"

Hillary Clinton is the “practical” vote, says Winthrop University senior Caroline Lankford post-Democratic Presidential Forum. The Political Science Honor Society VP says “It’s not a 100-percent sweep for Republicans” in South Carolina.

College RA on dorm atmosphere & ‘16 Election

Corrina Brown, Winthrop University junior, was most surprised by Bernie Sanders’ civil rights record at the Democratic Forum saying “I connect to him in some way.” The Resident Assistant describes, firsthand, how the political landscape of freshmen change over 4 years in college.

“I didn’t expect to relate” to Dem. Forum

First semester freshman Jacob Smith says being exposed to the various political views of college students has been “a culture rush” coming from a very conservative family. Smith, a volunteer usher, said O’Malley’s forum charisma had the crowd in agreement with his points.

SC black voters can "move needle" for Sanders

'The Winthrop Poll' director Scott Huffmon says this is “Hillary Clinton country” as poll results show 80 percent of South Carolina Democratic likely voters in favor of Hillary Clinton to just 8 percent in favor of Bernie Sanders. What can move the needle? Sanders introducing himself to black voters.

Iowa and NH "racially homogeneous”

Political Science & African American Studies Program Director, Adolphus Belk, says as much attention as Iowa and New Hampshire get- they’re racially homogeneous states. Belk addresses the most loyal constituency to the Democratic Party as black women voters.

History of South Carolina's ‘strategic’ primary electorate

Winthrop Univ. U.S. state and local government Professor John Holder informs us of South Carolina’s Republican importance, reminding that the "Winner of South Carolina's Republican Primary went on to win the nomination in every election from 1980 to 2008."

The enthusiasm gap, “alive and well” in SC

Gilda Cobb-Hunter, DNC Southern Caucus Chairwoman, says there’s something lost in the translation with Senator Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley organizing around communities of color. “It’s not going to another candidate, it’s staying home. People will say “I’m not sure there’s anything to vote for.”

Earlier Event: October 28
Nerding Out
Later Event: November 18
Nerding Out